For June 2023, 2 photos shared the first place for photo of the month, as voted by BME members. This is the first of the 2 photos, by Nikita Teryoshin.

Some words from Nikita about the photo:

“I took this picture last November in Istanbul at a military museum. Actually I was looking for some cats, to take pictures of them being out of focus with a jet or tank in the background for my new project "the empire strikes back" about modern Turkey. I didn't find any cats and even asked a soldier there for help finding some cats. The only thing he told me was, that I have to pay additionaly for my camera which they did not recognize at the entrance before. I was a bit disappointed of the visit and saw this motif shortly before leaving - a proud eagle and a rusty construction site fence. It also directly reminded me of the cow picture by Pau Buscato, which I bought as a print some time ago. So the visit was not a complete fail.”