Photo of the month for July 2022 by Dimitris Makrygiannakis, as voted by BME members.

Some words from Dimitris about the photo:

“I made this photo in a recent photo trip in Prague this May. Was the 5th day of the trip and although all previous days I was taking the tram passing just outside my apartment to reach the areas of the city with most photographic action, this certain day I decided to do something different. Walked all the way from my apartment to reach a spot of the Vltava river I never been before, just to see something new. The walk was about 3 hours and it honestly felt like a wrong decision. Passing through uninteresting residential areas for all those 3 hours, I started thinking the photographic day was lost. And then I reach the river. And the first thing I see is this swan mother with her 7 babies. The energy inside my body and mind changed, I could feel the change, I could feel that something was going to happen, but I did not know exactly what. I just waited there looking at them and trying not to disturb. At a certain point I made a step forward, not knowing exactly why. That scared the mother, and she started opening her wings to make the babies move inside the water. It all happened too fast. I made 4 frames, and this will stay forever. My first thought was that there was a meaning for those 3 ‘‘meaningless’’ hours of walking. This photo is one of the most meaningful of my ongoing swans project. I would probably be happy enough if this was the only good photo of the whole trip.”